Hey! I’m Kiersten and I’m so glad you’re here.

I’m a wife, a creative, a friend, and lots of other fun things. I started The Riverbanks in 2021, and it’s been a slow unfolding into what it is now. Let me start here:

My middle name is Brooke. That has always felt important to me, and like it pointed to how I’m made to show up in the world. Not only in spite of my weaknesses but often thanks to them. A brook is a small river. I feel I’m made to be like a little river, here on this earth at this exact time to create spaces and experiences that bring refreshing.

And my last name is Banks - River-Banks. :) 

The image of me sitting on a riverbank is something I return to over and over in my mind. It’s a visual reminder of the life I’m not only allowed to live, but one I get to invite others into. A life of slowness, softness, and peace. A life where you don’t have to earn love.

I originally started The Riverbanks in the hope of building a Self-Care Coaching business after completing a Yoga Teacher Training, a Life Consulting Training, and obtaining a Biblical Counseling Certification. I thought I’d offer prayer beads and guided prayers on the side while primarily meeting with clients 1:1. While I love meeting with clients, I’ve found I’m only able to meet with a small handful of women at a time. And that’s okay!

What brings me joy, energy, and lights me up the most is creating and offering gentle resources to help you compassionately care for yourself, connect to a loving God, and to stay soft.

Here you’ll mostly find handmade things to help you slow down, and an invitation into a newsletter that is just for the sake of something lovely in your inbox monthly. The Riverbanks Notes include a self-care practice, a unique way to connect to God, and something extra that is different and a surprise every month. *One thing I want to note is that if you aren’t a person of faith, you can still absolutely subscribe and enjoy them! Even though I’m a faith based person, they won’t be entirely spiritual. Just one section of each email will include specifically faith based content. 

Overall, I’m here to remind you that your softness and humanness isn’t a problem to be fixed or what makes you weak; it’s actually your strength. No matter what brings you here, I’m so glad that you are. I can’t wait to connect with you!

Contact Me!
