All throughout the Old Testament, people built altars out of stones to honor God.
They were a place to make sacrifices, to remember what He had done for them, and place to connect to the presence and voice of God. Imagine that - their hands picking up one stone at a time, and creating a place to meet with and remember God.
That’s what prayer beads are. A physical tool to help us connect with spiritual reality.
Prayer beads have been used in many faith traditions for thousands of years, including Christianity. They’ve been adapted over and over. The prayer beads I have the joy of offering are meant to be personal and are at their core a place for connection. It’s really that simple.
A lot of us haven’t been involved in faith traditions that include prayer beads. But think of them as worship music - you don’t need worship music to connect to God. It is just a gift that helps you become aware of God’s presence that is already with you.
If you’re interested in studying more about prayer beads and their history, I would highly suggest the book “A Bead and a Prayer” by Kristen E. Vincent.
Meaning of the elements
The Tassel
Historically, the tassel on prayer beads has been thought to be there to “wipe our tears” when we come before God. It can also represent the hem of Jesus’ garment like in the story with the woman with the issue of blood. Or it can represent a root system that is reaching and growing. No matter what resonates most with you in this season, the tassel reminds us to come to God as honestly as we can manage. That our truest and most honest selves are welcome in the presence of God.
The Lava Bead
This bead can hold essential oil because it has quite literally been through the fire. It reminds us that our places of deepest pain and suffering make space for healing to come. We each hold the oil of the Spirit in a special and unique way, and our human experience (good and bad) does not deter Jesus, but does the opposite. It draws Him in.
The Wooden Beads
The wooden beads represent the Cross, and the way that was made for us to bring ourselves fully to Jesus. They remind us that we can come back home day after day to an unconditionally loving God.
The Stone Beads
You chose the stone beads based on what they mean to you. Let them remind you of the beautiful work you and the Spirit are doing together in this season.
The Knots
We all have “knots” in our lives. Places we need Jesus to come and unknot us. The knots remind us that we are in need, and that is okay. This is where His presence is found - with us, unknotting us, day by day.
Order yours!
I can’t wait to send your beads to you!